*岩盤力学に関するシンポジウムの第50回記念ナイトセッションの申し込みは,ページ下部の”Night Session”よりお願いします。
【About the Joint Symposium】
Japan-Korean Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering has been held since 1996, The main purpose of the Joint Symposium is to exchange knowledge and experiences in rock engineering between two countries and to promote opportunities of exchange for engineers. The Joint Symposium covers all the aspects of rock mechanics from theoretical to engineering practice, with emphasis on applications of environment-friendly rock engineering technologies in development and storage of energy and mineral resources including hydropower, geothermal energy, radioactive waste disposal, carbon sequestration, and mine rehabilitation. We would like to welcome you to Japan in January, 2024 to excavate and share related issues and to cooperate and offer better environmental solutions in these fields. At this Joint symposium, we have accepted approximately 20 technical papers for the presentation. Full papers of all the presentations are included and provided in the proceedings. We have endeavored to structure both technically and socially stimulating program. And your participation is particularly important for the success of the Symposium. 【Important Date】
【Program Overview】 Updated Jan.09 Detail program(PDF)
※Presentations are in Japanese, but all participants are available to join this symposium(https://www.rock-jsce.org/50th_rm_sympo) |
【Location of Venue】 Japan Society for Civil Engineering Yotsuya 1-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 160-0004 https://www.jsce-int.org/about/access |
【Presentation】 Oral presentation will only be available in the Symposium. Each presentation shall take 20 minutes including discussions. Presentation material in MS PowerPoint (PPT) format will work. |
【Language】 The official language of the symposium is English and Korean. English sessions are organized for Joint Symposium, in which the presentations should be made in English, but discussion can be made in Korean or Japanese with the help of session chairs’ interpretation. |
【Registration Fee】 ? ? ?・Regular (JSRM & KSRM member) 22,000 JPY (including tax) ? ・Regular (non JSRM & KSRM member) 26,400 JPY (including tax) ・Student 11,000 JPY(including tax) 〇Registration fee system :Register here(Payvent)*Registration Deadline: December 24 (Note) Student must provide the name and contact address of the supervisor/educator for the authentication. |
【Night session】January 11th, 2024 19:00-21:00 Reception starts 30min before Place: Plaza Efu(15 Rokuban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) https://plaza-f.or.jp/access |
*重複して申し込み(下図①と②)をされないようご注意ください。 ・岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム(1/11-1/12)の参加(下図③)は,土木学会のイベントページから申し込みをお願いします(別支払いサイト)。
【Contact】Please contact at JK-joint-symp@rocknet-japan.org if you have any questions regarding the submission. |